Nurse Anesthesia, DNP

Dane Flatley instructor
  • Millikin’s School of Nursing, in conjunction with Decatur Memorial Hospital, offers the opportunity for the Registered Nurse who holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) or a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) to complete the Doctor of Nursing Practice degree with specialization in Nurse Anesthesia. The DNP-Nurse Anesthesia Program (NAP) is a practice-focused doctorate designed to prepare advanced practice nurses to lead changes using evidence-based practice to improve patient outcomes in complex health systems. Students engage in Millikin’s signature Performance Learning curriculum at every level, applying crucial concepts in clinical practice each term.

    Apply Now

    Program Highlights

    • January start
    • Students can begin with a BSN or MSN
    • Graduates have a 100% career-placement rate
    • Students consistently achieve high pass rates on the National Certification Examination
    • Accredited by Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs (COA)

    Important Dates

    • Application Open Date: August 8, 2024
    • Application Deadline: January 15, 2025
    • Program Start: Mid-January 2026
    • The DNP-NAP degree consists of 88 credit hours of continuous, full-time study and includes over 2,400 hours of clinical practicum. Students are enrolled as a cohort. 
    • Students will have access to a state-of-the-art Simulation Center that provides learners the opportunity to develop their skills through simulation and skills training.
    • Progression must be continuous and full-time throughout the program of study.
    • Theory and practice schedules are set by the School of Nursing in collaboration with its practice partners and often fall outside of the traditional academic calendar published in the Millikin Bulletin.
    • The DNP (NAP) graduates are eligible to take the National Certification Examination administered by the National Board of Certification and Recertification of Nurse Anesthetists (NBCRNA).

    Program Outcomes

    For the last graduating class of 2023:

    • Employment rate at 6 months: 100%
    • First time National Certification Examination pass rate: 85%
    • Total Anesthesia Hours: 1,647
    • Total Anesthesia Cases: 885
    • Total Clinical Hours: 3,000
    • Attrition rate: 7%

    DNP NAP Plan of Study


    Millikin University and Decatur Memorial Hospital Nurse Anesthesia Program is accredited by the Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs (COA).

    10275 W. Higgins Rd., Suite 906,
    Rosemont, IL 60018-5603


    Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Programs link to Accredited Programs: List of Accredited Programs – Council on Accreditation (

    Millikin University and Decatur Memorial Hospital Nurse Anesthesia Program received a 10 accreditation on the last survey in 2016. The next accreditation survey is scheduled for 2026.

     Millikin University Accreditation

  • The School of Nursing participates in Nursing’s Centralized Application Service (NursingCas). All materials will be submitted through NursingCas. Application opens in August.

    Important Dates
    • Application Open Date: August 8, 2024
    • Application Deadline: January 15, 2025
    • Program Start: Mid-January 2026

    Apply Now  Recommendation Form

    NursingCAS collects and processes your application documents and verifies your transcripts. We receive information from NursingCas and use it to make our admission decision. We recommend that you order all official transcripts from all college experiences as early in the process as possible. NursingCAS provides detailed information on the transcript process for all applicants. Millikin University requires course-by-course evaluations for transcripts from foreign institutions and we accept evaluations from World Education Services, Inc. (WES) and Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc. (ECE).

    We evaluate all applicants on the following:

    • Must possess a minimum of a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from an accredited institution
    • Submission of official transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate institutions attended and demonstrate a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
    • Provide evidence of successful completion (grade of C or better) in an undergraduate course in Organic Chemistry or Biochemistry with lab
    • Complete a graduate-level Statistics course with a grade of B or better prior to enrollment
    • Possess an unencumbered license as a Registered Nurse in Illinois or be eligible to obtain upon admission
    • Must provide evidence of ACLS, BLS, PALS and CCRN certifications.
    • Submit a current resume or curriculum vitae that demonstrates a minimum of one year (two or more preferred) of adult critical care experience.
    • Provide three (3) written recommendations utilizing the NAP-SON form. One recommendation must be from a direct critical care supervisor.

    Other forms are required for application, including written recommendations and written statements addressing personal and professional goals, among others. All materials must be submitted through NursingCas: 

    • Submit a one to two-page written statement (up to 1000 words) addressing personal and professional goals related to the DNP Program.
    • Submission of completed Anesthesia Clinical Observation form
    • Completion of the Validation of Critical Care Observation form

    International students must submit official transcripts (in English) with an official evaluation of those transcripts by a foreign credentials evaluation agency and proof of English proficiency as evidenced by a minimum score of 550 on the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language). There are additional requirements for international students; contact Millikin’s Graduate Nursing Director, 1184 W. Main Street, Decatur, IL 62522, prior to submitting an application.

    Additional Details

    • Interviews dates take place in early April each year. Notifications of offered positions will be sent approximately two weeks following the last interview date. 
    • Acceptance Notifications: Notifications of offered positions will be sent approximately two weeks following the last interview date. Acceptance of your position, along with payment of your enrollment deposit, must be completed by the date stated in the notification letter. Your enrollment deposit is applied toward the first semester tuition.
    • Credentialing: April-December of the year before matriculation. Following acceptance of an offered position, satisfactory credentialing to confirm acceptability into clinical experiences must occur. The failure to obtain credentialing results in the inability to obtain required clinical experiences and, therefore, the forfeiture of the offered position. The credentialing process requires the following be submitted prior to a set date in January.

    For all questions regarding the Admission process, please contact Kathryn Hise, Graduate Student Recruiter at or 217.620.1475

  • StudentSpotlight

    “When choosing what I wanted to do, I was always drawn to health care... there's such a gap between providers and patients. I feel like we can do so much more to educate patients, empower them, help them help themselves, and be proactive in their health,”

  • Partnership with Memorial Health

    Millikin’s DNP-NAP is possible thanks to our partnership with Memorial Health. Our coursework prepares qualified, experienced Registered Nurses in the specialty of Nurse Anesthesia. Students in this program are enrolled as a cohort, studying together for the duration of the program. Doctoral-level Nursing courses are delivered during the first half of the program, with specialty-specific courses and clinical rotations occurring in the second half. DNP-NAP students have access to the Memorial Center for Learning and Innovation, a state-of-the-art simulation center that provides students with the opportunity to advance their skills through the use of innovative technology and the latest in medical techniques, equipping them to provide the best possible healthcare experience for patients.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    How do I apply? Do I apply to Decatur Memorial Hospital and Millikin University separately?

    • Application can be made through the Nursing Centralized Application Service (NursingCas) at To apply via NursingCas, go to the NursingCas website and after registering select Millikin University.

    Who can I contact for questions regarding the application process?

    • Please contact Kathryn Hise, Graduate Student Recruiter, at 217.424.3558 for admission questions. 

    Must application materials be submitted all at once?

    • No. Materials maybe submitted as available, however all materials must be submitted in NursingCas for the information to be available for review by the Admissions Committee. All transcripts from previous educational endeavors must be submitted.

    What pre-requisite coursework is required?

    • An Organic Chemistry or Biochemistry course and a Graduate Level statistics course are required. A copy of the course description maybe submitted to Ms. Berry for verification that a planned course is acceptable.

    Can I still apply if all admission requirements have not been completed?

    • Yes. Verification of enrollment in any outstanding coursework or certification requirements (i.e. PALS) must be submitted during the application process. However, those candidates with complete files by the deadline date are given priority.

    How do I document my enrollment in a pre-requisite course?

    • Examples of documentation verifying enrollment in pre-requisite courses/certifications may include, but are not limited to, submission of course registration forms, receipt of payment, or official course schedule.

    Are all applicants invited for an interview with the Admissions Committee?

    • No. All submitted applications are reviewed by our joint Admissions Committee. All aspects of the submitted application materials are thoroughly evaluated by the committee and interviews are extended to those applicants the committee feels may be most successful in completing the program. 

    What types of critical care are acceptable?

    • We require at least one year (2 or more preferably) of recent experience as a R.N. in an adult intensive care unit. The minimum one year must be as an independent nurse (does not include time in preceptorship or orientation). The adult intensive care unit should prepare the RN as an independent decision maker in the care of acutely ill patients and provide experience in the interpretation of invasive monitors, titration of  vasoactive infusions and management of ventilated patients.  We do not accept operating room, post-anesthesia recovery (PACU), step-down, or emergency room experience as meeting the admission requirement. The CCRN is required by the application deadline to ensure that the applicant has met the minimum COA requirement for critical care experience.

    Is the GRE required?

    • We do not require the GRE for admission. We do evaluate your performance in undergraduate education and expect a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.  Earned GPAs in nursing and science courses are used to determine appropriateness for admission. A GPA of less than 3.5 may be considered to be less competitive. Should the applicant’s nursing GPA be less than 3.0 or the applicant desires to be more competitive completion of the GRE is recommended.

    Do I have to have an Illinois RN license to apply?

    • All applicants must possess a valid and unencumbered RN license to apply. Applicants are required to submit a copy of the RN license when they apply. An Illinois RN license must be obtained prior to enrollment in the nurse anesthesia program and maintained throughout their attendance in the program.

    Is financial aid available?  If so, how do I apply?

    Is any coursework provided as online courses?

    • DNP core nursing courses are provided in the online format. Nurse anesthesia courses are provided in the traditional face-to-face format. Didactic classes are generally provided during the day Monday through Friday. Clinical courses are scheduled Monday through Friday with call and weekend shifts beginning the second year of the program.

    Is there a part-time course of study?

    • No. the NAP is a 36 month full-time course of study. The course of study begins in January and culminates in December.

    Can I work during the program?

    • We highly discourage students from working during the program due to the academic rigor and time constraints of the Nurse Anesthesia Program.

    Is there a waitlist for applicants who are not offered positions?

    • Yes, applicants may be offered an alternate position and may be called from the list until the start of the program. 

    What if I am not accepted the first time I apply?

    • Due to the limited number of available positions, many applicants may not be accepted into program the first time they apply. Applicant files are maintained for three years after interview to facilitate reapplication. Contact the Office of Admission to reactivate your file. Prior students have increased the competitiveness of their application by taking additional academic courses (particularly science and graduate level courses), expanding their ICU experiences, and improving interviewing skills.

    I am an Associate Degree Registered Nurse and still completing my Bachelor Degree in Nursing, am I eligible to apply?

    • Yes, as long as the BSN degree is successfully completed by the end of the summer term prior to the start of the program in January.

    I am a Registered Nurse holding a bachelor’s degree in a non-nursing field, am I eligible to apply?

    • No. The Program requires a Bachelor of Nursing Science or Master of Science in Nursing degree as an admission requirement.

    I am a physician with a medical degree in a foreign country. Can I apply for the nurse anesthesia program?

    • A Registered Nurse (RN) License is a pre-requisite for CRNA certification and Advanced Practice Nursing licensure. Therefore, applicants must possess a RN license to apply.

    I attended a previous nurse anesthesia program, can I apply?  

    • Yes. Applicants who apply and have previously attended a nurse anesthesia program must also submit a reference from the Program Director of the program, their AANA number at the time of the application deadline, and provide evidence that they have left the program “in good standing”. No anesthesia courses maybe transferred from the previous program.