In order to be eligible for Federal, State and Institutional aid, a student must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress toward his/her degree.
Minimum grade point average
A student must maintain an overall GPA according to the schedule listed below in order to remain eligible for financial aid. Individual colleges and some financial aid programs may have higher standards. In those cases, the college or program standards will supersede university requirements.
Minimum GPA schedule:
Equal to 2 semesters – 1.8
Greater than 2 semesters – 2.0
Minimum hours earned
To be considered making adequate progress toward a degree, a student must complete 67% of the cumulative hours he/she attempts.
- For students in the Traditional Programs, all hours on file with the Registrar’s Office by the “Last Day to Add a Class” deadline for the term, will be included in the evaluation.
- For students in Graduate Programs, all hours on file with the Registrar’s Office according to the respective refund/withdraw schedules will be included in the evaluation. Hours completed with a passing letter grade or grade of P, (including transfer hours) will be considered as hours earned. Hours attempted will include all passed courses (institutional, transfer and repeat courses), remedial coursework, as well as courses with the following grades: F, XF, W, I, WA, AW.
Maximum Time Frame
Institutional assistance is limited to 8 semesters (4 years) for students enrolled in the traditional undergraduate program on a full-time basis. Students may appeal for an extension if they believe mitigating circumstances delayed graduation. Appeals must be in writing explaining the circumstance. Appeals should be directed to the University Registrar and Director of Financial Aid.
Eligibility for Federal and State financial aid is limited to total attempted hours which cannot exceed 150% of the credit hours required to achieve a first undergraduate degree. The majority of programs require 120 hours for graduation, therefore, 120 X 1.5 = 180 attempted hours allowed for financial aid eligibility. Every semester in which you are enrolled in school will be counted, even semesters when you do not receive financial aid. Transfer hours from other institutions accepted by the university will count toward the maximum credit hour limit. In the event that a student changes major, requiring additional semesters, the student may request an individual review of his/her record through the appeal process noted below. Students pursuing a second bachelor's degree, will have their academic record reviewed by the Registrar's Office to determine cross application of coursework. Second bachelor's students are on a manual review for maximum time frame limits. For graduate programs, hours required for graduation will vary. Refer to individual program curriculum.
Evaluation Schedule
The evaluation will occur at the end of every term, including the summer semester. You will be notified, if you fail to achieve the required minimum GPA and/or you have not completed 67% of the hours attempted. You will be placed on financial aid warning for one term of enrollment. In the event that you are nearing the time limit (Maximum Time Frame) for your degree, you will be notified when you have accumulated 125% of your allowable attempted hours.
Financial Aid Warning
If you are placed on Warning, you will continue to receive financial aid. However, you will be evaluated at the conclusion of the next semester. Warning status requirements are to complete 67% of your cumulative attempted hours and/or bring your cumulative GPA in line with the Minimum GPA to retain your eligibility for subsequent semesters. Upon evaluation, if you have met the above requirements, you will be removed from warning status. If you do not meet either requirement, your financial aid eligibility will be canceled.
Cancel Status
If you do not meet the minimum requirement, you will not be eligible for financial aid. You do have the option of enrolling at your own expense. You also have the option to submit an SAP appeal to regain eligibility.
Appeal Process
If your financial aid eligibility has been canceled and you feel you have extenuating circumstances that warrant an individual review, you may submit a Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal. Extenuating circumstances may include: medical issues for yourself or family member, death of a family member or other mitigating circumstance. Maximum time frame appeals are also reviewed for change of major, military credits, or extenuating circumstance as noted above. Adding a second major or minor are not situations considered for exception to the maximum time frame policy. Documentation supporting the situation is required (i.e. proof of doctor visits, obituary). You will have the option of attending/enrolling in classes while the appeal is under review, however, financial aid will not be released unless the appeal is approved. If the appeal is denied you are responsible for any balance owed to the university. Appeals will be reviewed by the SAP committee and notification of the decision will be issued via millikin email. Your appeal must be a completed in full using the link included in the email notifying you of your satisfactory academic progress status:
- The appeal must be received by the committee:
- For fall term, by the end of June
- For spring term, first week of January
- For summer term, second week of May
Appeals should be addressed to the Satisfactory Academic Progress Committee, the Director of Financial Aid, Student Financial Services.
Financial Aid Probation
If your appeal is approved, you will be placed on Financial Aid Probation. Your letter of approval will outline specific probation expectations and/or the need to meet with the Office of Student Success to develop an academic plan. As long as you follow your academic plan and meet your probation standards, you will remain on probation and eligible for financial aid. If the academic plan is not followed or you otherwise fail to meet the minimum progress standards, your financial aid eligibility will be canceled.
*This policy replaces any and all previous SAP policies.