Due to inclement weather, Millikin University will be closed on Monday, January 6. Read more HERE.

Contact Us

Staley Library

1184 West Main St.
Decatur, IL 62522
Phone: 217-424-6214
Email: refdesk@millikin.edu
Teams: Millikin students, faculty, and staff may arrange a Teams meeting via email @ refdesk@millikin.edu

Have a question about...

Adding a resource to Staley Library's collection?Contact the appropriate subject liaison
Fines, fees, overdues, lost or missing items?Contact Circulation, 217-424-6214
Interlibrary loans?Contact Matthew Olsen, 217-424-3560
Scheduling an instruction session?Contact the appropriate subject liaison.
Educational technology, such as Moodle, Panopto, or Copyleaks?Contact Rachel Bicicchi, 217-424-3692
Archives & Special Collections?Contact Amanda Pippitt, 217-424-3982
Other questions or comments?Please see our staff listing or call 217-424-6214

Research assistance

Have a question about the library? Need help selecting a database or search terms? Looking for background information or need help locating books on your topic? Research librarians can help you with these and other research needs.

Research Librarians are available to help you at the following times (and by appointment):

  • Monday - Thursday: 10am - 12pm, 1pm - 8pm


Librarians expect to be available during the following times during the fall and spring semesters:

  • Monday- Thursday: 10:00am - 8:00pm
  • Other times by appointment
  • Summer hours may vary