• Aerial view of Millikin Campus

    About Millikin

  • Welcome to Millikin University!

    Millikin is an independent, four year university that is privately funded and has an enrollment of approximately 1,800 students in traditional and non-traditional undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Located in Decatur, Illinois, you will quickly discover that the signature of a Millikin education is a unique experience we like to call Performance Learning

    Since its founding more than 110 years ago, Millikin has operated under the philosophy of providing an education that combines theory with practice. While this was a radical idea at the time, we know today that practice is not enough.

    Today's students must perform their knowledge in order to be truly prepared for a successful career after college. Through immersive experiences such as internships, co-teaching, running a business, presenting research to experts and performing in front of audiences – students find new ways to live out their learning and reap the rewards of their hard work. 

    The Result:

    Millikin graduates enter the job market armed with experience and ready for success. In 2021, 99% of graduates gained employment or entry to graduate or professional schools within six months of graduation.

    • Students at Homecoming Game

      Campus Life

      From athletics to student organizations, and from performing arts to campus events, Millikin has options that will make you feel at home.
    • Katie Kocan

      Performance Learning

      At Millikin, we believe that what makes us unique is not simply what you learn, but how you learn. Get a head start on your future with Performance Learning. All starting on day one at Millikin.
    • Aerial view of Millikin Campus


      Millikin offers over 50 majors and programs, both undergraduate and graduate, across our four distinct colleges.
    • Students throwing caps in the air

      Graduate Success

      Our graduates get the best jobs, are accepted into the best graduate schools and have a 99% success rate – all at an affordable cost.
  • Land Acknowledgement

    As an institution of higher learning, Millikin University has a responsibility to acknowledge the historical context in which it exists. Thus, in the spirit of reconciliation, we acknowledge the land upon which we celebrate today is the ancestral home of multiple native nations. Specifically, we stand on the lands of the Peoria, Kaskaskia, Myaamia, Mascoutin, Mesquaki, Kikaapoi and Ochethi Sakowin nations which hold historical, cultural and sacred significance to these indigenous people. We also acknowledge the living history and contributions of these first people communities that inhabited the land prior to the establishment of Millikin University and recognize their continuing contributions which allow our campus community to flourish.