Regional Clubs

Student at podium speaking

Regional clubs have been established to foster support for Millikin University and connect alumni to their geographic region and mutual affinity for Millikin University. Alumni Clubs offer a great support system for everyone, from a recent graduate acclimating as a new professional, all the way to retirees reconnecting to the alma mater they love. The Regional Alumni Clubs host events, supported by the local alumni with basic support from both the MU Alumni Association and Alumni and Development Office. Networking and social events for area alumni, parents, students and friends, serve as vital communication links between the university and its constituents in various locations.

Don't see a Regional Alumni Club in your geographic areas? That's ok! We are constantly looking for a cluster of regional alumni who would like to charter a new Regional Club!

Check out the resources to be part of the leadership team for an Alumni Club.

Alumni Club Contractional Agreement 2022 1-Year

Alumni Club Contractional Agreement 2022 2-Year

Alumni Club Leadership Team Packet

For more information, please contact the Alumni & Development Department at Millikin

MU Alumni Volunteers at Decatur Celebration

Alumni  Club Bloomington/ Normal

Bloomington/Normal Leadership Team

Seeking area volunteers/leaders 

Alumni Club Chicago


Chicago Club Leadership Team 

Alumni Club Decatur

Decatur Leadership Team  

Alumni Club Indy

Indianapolis Club Leadership Team 

Alumni Club Nashville

Nashville Club Leadership Team

Seeking area volunteers/leaders 


Alumni Club St. Louis

St. Louis Leadership Team 


Thank you to all of our regional volunteer alumni leaders!