
Why Millikin?

As a saxophone student at Millikin University you will be studying with the major professor on your instrument. The performance experiences at Millikin are many and varied, with potential involvement in:

  • Jazz Bands
  • Jazz Combos
  • Orchestral settings
  • Concert band and wind ensemble
  • Saxophone quartets and large ensembles
  • Musical theater productions, etc. 

If you are motivated, you can take advantage of a wide variety of musical settings that can help shape your future. If, for example, you would like to develop your woodwind doubling skills, we will help. The opportunity to study flute, clarinet, bassoon, or oboe is also a great option. If you apply yourself and work hard, you can be studying a secondary instrument with the major professor on that instrument.  

In the saxophone studio you will be learning from a master teacher with professional playing and teaching experiences in both the classical and jazz/commercial arenas. Teachers include some of the most well-known performers and pedagogues in their field, including:

  • Jean-Marie Londeix
  • Jim Riggs, Marvin Eckroth
  • Frederick Hemke
  • Lauren Eckroth
  • Don Lanphere
  • Brian Grivna
  • Roger Greenberg

Each of these individuals have made a great impact on me in one way or another and have instilled in me concepts, method and strategies, both in terms of playing and teaching, that have shaped my own approach to teaching and playing. You, the student at Millikin, will have access to the methods and approaches to playing and teaching the saxophone that these people have passed on to me!

If saxophone is the reason you are considering Millikin University, you have made a wise choice. I will work with you to develop the skills necessary to become a better player and student. Whether your goals are to be a music educator, a performer, or to go on to graduate school, our faculty's experiences and knowledge can help you find your path. 

The students who have emerged from my program at Millikin University are a barometer to the success of my teaching studio.